Welcome to Van Allen Studios with Michelle Van Allen & Abby Van Allen

We are proud to offer a comprehensive and intuitive approach to music learning, using the piano as the primary instrument.

CONTACT MICHELLE - New Classes Start Soon

Call, text or email for more information and confirmation of enrollment:

Michelle Van Allen 406-250-3525 michellevanallen@yahoo.com

We provide children exceptional group music learning, with parent involvement. Each lesson insures clear understanding for the developmental age of the class. Following our methodology, students retain about 80% of what is taught in long term memory, with proper reinforcement and review at home.

Field Trips

Come see us for a free field trip. These are given upon request, at any time of year. "6 to 16 students" may attend, within their appropriate ages. Call Michelle for scheduling.

Piano Camp

Piano Camps, similar to field trips, can be arranged and offered, upon request. A camp is something that can be scheduled for 2-4 sessions, with the intent of building music knowledge and producing music as a final goal. Call Michelle for scheduling.


Toddler Tunes - Open Enrollment Fall 2024

Ages 2-3 ½ yrs - Toddler Tunes is a playful,  first introduction to the world of music. Parents support their children in using large and small muscle groups, along with voices to say and sing musical patterns. Dance and exploration of the keyboard is part of learning as well.

Tuition: $75 monthly fee (45-minute class weekly)

Book & Listening Materials: $30.00

Class Time: Mondays 9:30am (at times, this class merges with "Music in Me")

Start Date: Aug 26, 2024

New students may join this class throughout the semester.

Music in Me - Open Enrollment Fall Semester 2024

Ages 3 1/2 to 5 - This class allows kids to experience music physically and to develop thinking concepts, such as pitch and rhythm awareness through singing, rhythm, movement, ear training and keyboard activities. Students are introduced to music notes and symbols and learn to find notes on the piano. Parents participate in class time and are guided in follow-up activities.
Classes meet 45 minutes weekly. 16 week semester. Students may be added during the course of the semester.

Tuition: $75 monthly fee, made payable at the first scheduled lesson of the month, 4 consecutive months

Book & Listening Materials: $40.00

Class Time: Mondays at 10:30 am (at times, this class merges with "Toddler Tunes")

Start Date: August 26, 2024

New students may join this class throughout the semester.

More Music In Me - Open Enrollment Winter 2025

(Ages 3 1/2 to 5) Simply, a continuation of skills built in the Music In Me Class

Mondays at 10:30am - Starts February 2025

Harmony Road - Enrollment for Fall Classes 2024 class are OPEN - Contact Michelle to register NOW!

Ages 4 to 6 1/2 - Students will develop “inner hearing” and learn music through a combination of effective and enjoyable activities that include rhythm and movement, solfege and expressive singing, along with ear training and sight reading. They will gain experience in solo and ensemble keyboard playing and gain an understanding of harmony and applied theory. In addition to learning to read, write and play music, they are introduced to improvising, composing and transposing. Parents participate in class time and are guided in follow-up activities. Classes meet 50-55 minutes weekly. 18 week semester. Students graduate from this program in 10 semesters. The skills developed through this program will last a lifetime.

Tuition: $375 per semester or $85 monthly throughout our school year

Registration (one-time fee): $35.00 This fee is due by July 15, 2024 (If you missed the deadline, fee is due when enrolling.

Book & Listening Materials: $40.00

Class Time: Tuesdays at 4:55pm with Abby and Thursdays at 6:00pm with Michelle

Start Date: Week of August 26, 2024

Contact Michelle to get registered or wait listed

Keyboard Encounters Kids - Enrollment Open Fall 2024

Keyboard Encounters Kids Ages 7 to 10 - Appealing to the intellect of this age, KE-kids develops skills in listening, reading, feeling rhythm and honing gross and fine motor skill movement, culminating on the piano. Independence in learning is developed through this class. Parents are encouraged to attend class as often as possible, for better success and consistency in "at home practice". Classes meet 50-55 minutes weekly. 17 week semester.

Tuition: $375 for the semester or $85 monthly throughout the school year

Book & Listening Materials: $40.00

Registration (one-time fee): $35.00

Class Time: Mondays at 3:50pm

Start Date: August 26, 2024

(Homeschool and private school groups may form daytime classes, if they like, after inquiring.)

Keyboard Encounters Advanced

A continuation of development of skills from KE-Kids. New students to our studio may integrate in to this 3 year class.   Parents are allowed to  attend class, but it is not mandatory. Classes meet 50-55 minutes weekly. 17 week semester.

Tuition: $375 for the semester or $85 monthly throughout the school year

Book and Materials: $40.00

Class Time: TBA

Intermediate students may integrate into this class. The prerequisite of these classes are the listed beginner classes above, or audition with Michelle.

Private Lessons

Michelle & Abby have availability for private students. We place students who are highly motivated individuals and are seeking to master their piano skills, with sights set on consistent - intentional development. We will explore classic and contemporary music, improvisation, performance and performance opportunities, mastery of theory and prep for college study in music. All students must first be interviewed before being placed in Michelle & Abby's private schedules. Lessons are $180 monthly, for 45 minute lessons or $120 monthly for 30 minute lessons.

Please watch this very informative video. "How playing an instrument benefits your brain" - Anita Collins. Copy the URL below and paste to your search bar.